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Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

By Faisal A. Roble Introduction This essay is based on two unpublished manuscripts on the Political Economy of Intervention and Historical Injustices against Somalis. I will argue that intervention in the Horn of Africa Region is a colonial function and has roots both in African enslavement and subsequent colonization. Beginning with the 1884 Berlin Conference,...

How Islamic Principles Can Solve Modern Economic Inequality?

How Islamic Principles Can Solve Modern Economic Inequality?

By: Siraj Mufti God sent Islam as a blessing for humankind, providing solutions for the problems faced. God has sufficed the earth with provisions to nurture the entirety of humankind. It is the greed of a few that prevents these provisions from circulating and generating more wealth. As such, this greed inevitably creates class struggles within...

Kismaayo: Qoysas dib-u-dajin loo sameeyay oo wajahaya shaqo la’aan sababtay cunno xumo

Kismaayo: Qoysas dib-u-dajin loo sameeyay oo wajahaya shaqo la’aan sababtay cunno xumo

(ERGO) – Boqol, konton iyo siddeed qoys oo dib-u-dajin loogu sameeyay deegaanka Luglow, markii laga raray xero ku taalla Kismaayo ayaa wajahaya xaalad nolol-xumo. Waxaa u sabab ah shaqo la’aan ku haysa halka la dajiyay. Waxay u badan yihiin xoogsato ka xamaallan jiray magaalada Kismaayo. Waalidiinta qaarkood ayaa door-biday in ay ka dhaxaan carruurtooda si ay...

AI and Islam: Navigating the Path Between Progress and Ethics

AI and Islam: Navigating the Path Between Progress and Ethics

BY: MUHAMMAD MUMTAZ ALI As technology, particularly Artificial Intelligence (AI), continues to advance, it sparks debates about its potential impact on humanity. While some see it as a solution to challenges such as diseases and disasters, others raise concerns about the ethical and societal implications. This discussion delves into the intersections of AI, transhumanism, and Islamic...

The Effects of Our Deeds

The Effects of Our Deeds

 BY: MANSOOR AHMED Knowingly or unknowingly, we all sin and make mistakes. This is something from our nature as human beings that we will never be able to completely overcome. We all fall into that second look or say a white lie or miss a salah (prayer). While we may repent from the sin after, an...

Understanding Zakat

Understanding Zakat

Zakat is one of the major religious duties in Islam. Literally, zakat means to “purify”. It refers to the purification of a believers’ wealth and soul. Wealth purification denotes the mobilization of assets for the purpose of financial growth and justified distribution. Purification of the soul implies freedom from hatred, jealousy, selfishness, uneasiness and greed....

Dowladda Maraykanka oo xayiraad ku soo rogtay shabakad xiriir dhaqaale iyo maalgelin la laheyd Al Shabaab

Dowladda Maraykanka oo xayiraad ku soo rogtay shabakad xiriir dhaqaale iyo maalgelin la laheyd Al Shabaab

Muqdisho (WDN)- Wasaaradda Maaliyadda ee Maraykanka ayaa Isniintii  4-tii bisha Maarso , 2024, cunaqabateyn ku soo rogtay shabakad caalami ah oo xidhiidh dhaqaale iyo lacag-dhaqid la leh kooxda xagjirka ah ee Al-Shabaab ee ka dagaalanta Soomaaliya. Cunaqabateyntan ayaa lagu soo rogay 16 hay’adood iyo shaqsiyaad degan ama ku kala faafsan Geeska Afrika, (Kenya, Soomaaliya), Imaaraadka Carabta...

Ramadan – Time to Unplug From the Matrix

Ramadan – Time to Unplug From the Matrix

 BY: MANSOOR ALAM The month of Ramadan provides us with a perfect opportunity to unplug from the Matrix and rediscover our singular source of divine guidance. Those who fast do have to unplug from their daily physical routine anyway. Let this then provide an incentive to try to unplug from the Matrix as our Prophet ﷺ...

Overcoming Conflicts with Qur’anic Wisdom

Overcoming Conflicts with Qur’anic Wisdom

BY: MANSOOR ALAM The Quran says that it can remove all human differences and conflicts if humans were to follow its divine laws. Muslims have created so many differences and they fight amongst themselves and waste their energy at every front – social, political, economic, religious, cultural, etc. Many governments try to remove some of these...