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What is the importance of the month of Rajab?

What is the importance of the month of Rajab?

BY: ASLAM ABDULLAH Rajab is the seventh month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar. This month is a prelude to Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar in which Muslims are commanded to observe fasting from sunrise to sunset. It is also one of the four sacred months besides, Muḥarram (Islamic month 1), Dhū al-Qaʿdah (Islamic...

Has Prime Minister Abiye Ahmed Failed History at the School? Failure in History May Lead Him to Failure in Leadership

Has Prime Minister Abiye Ahmed Failed History at the School? Failure in History May Lead Him to Failure in Leadership

 By Abdisalam M Issa-Salwe and Abdullahi Salah Osman Introduction Prime Minister Abiye Ahmed demonstrated a lack of responsible leadership by dealing with a regional state bypassing the central government of Somalia, blatantly violating its sovereignty. The Ethiopian leader should have learned the historical lessons that forced the continent to recognise its colonial borders in the...

Remembering Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

Remembering Prophet Jesus (pbuh)

BY: ABDUL QAYUM KHAN Introduction:No Doubt Jesus (pbuh) was one of the Prophets mentioned in the Quran, Ahadith and Bible. He was mentioned in Quran 29 times (versus Muhammad 4 times). Miraculous Birth Of Jesus:Quran 3:45 Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be...


Wada-hadallada Soomaalilaan iyo Soomaaliya

WQ Dr. Maxamed Xirsi Hordhac Xidhiidhka Soomaalilaan iyo Soomaaliya waxa uu ka mid noqonayaa xidhiidhada cakiran ee ugu muddada dheer dunida ka jira. In kaste oo hadda 63 sannadood laga joogo midnimadii madmadowga badan lahayd ee labada dhinac, saluugga midnimadaa laga qaadayna uu ku bilowday sannad gudihii, haddana waxa uu dhabbo cunfi badan qaaday bilowgii...

Qur’ans Perspective on Choice and Consequence

Qur’ans Perspective on Choice and Consequence

 BY: MANSOOR ALAM The Qur’an says that those who deny their Allah-given power of freewill and freedom of choice are denying their self, and those who deny the power of Allah (and seek power elsewhere) are denying the existence of Allah: وَلِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ عَذَابُ جَهَنَّمَ وَبِئْسَ الْمَصِيرُ (67:6) –for, suffering in hell awaits all who are...

Fatwa in the Age of AI

Fatwa in the Age of AI

BY: MOHAMED MAHMOUD HABIB AI and Religion: Fatwa and the Challenges of the Third Millennium The past decade has witnessed astonishing developments in the field of artificial intelligence and its widespread applications in various aspects of life, including the religious domain. However, this has raised some concerns among some individuals about the possibility of technology taking...



W.Q: Cabdulcasiis Maxamuud Macallin Ereyga qalaad ee Federaal (Federation) wuxuu dhacaa marka laba shay laysku daro si ka dib loogu isticmaalo hal shay ahaan. Wuxuu leeyahay dhadhan (connotation) in waxa laysku darayaa si uun u kala duwan yihiin, sida digir iyo bariis laysku daray canbuulo ahaanna loogu casheeyey. Runtii bariis iyo bariis kale oo laysku...

The Advent of Humanity’s Sunshine (PBUH)

The Advent of Humanity’s Sunshine (PBUH)

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Prophet Ismail (PBUH) had 12 sons. His second son Qaydaar (قیدار) settled in Hijaz and became the custodian of Kaaba built by Ibrahim (PBUH) and Ismail (PBUH). Prophet Ismail’s descendants, over time, became a large community. They expanded into large number of different tribes. But, the clan of Quraysh (قریش) occupied superior and...