Category: Global News & Politics

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Report Card: For the President and the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia (TFG)

WardheerNews Editorial In  lieu of our annual review of the year’s past happenings, we share with our readers  the following report card. Comprised of two interrelated evaluations, one for  the President and the other for the sitting Prime Minister is a high level  review of the problems and prospects associated with these two leaders. In ...


Secret Documents linking the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia to a Planned Recovery of Frozen Financial Assets in Foreign Banks*

Translated by WardheerNews from an article by Khalid Mohamoud of the prominent Middle East  Arabic print publication: ‘Sharaq-al-Awsad’ on April 2, 2010. ___________________________ A collection of secret documents, obtained by  Asharq Al-Awsat from the office of the president of the TFG, sheikh  Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, has revealed concerted efforts by the President to  use an...

Somali Media: Ethics, Truth and Integrity

Somali Media: Ethics, Truth and Integrity

By Abdelkarim A Hassan “I haven`t voted since 1964, I don`t want to get my judgment involved in what I do for a living” Jim Lehrer, PBS, News Hour. Background In recent years Somali journalism, Islam and Somali music have become the easiest areas to penetrate without any previous experience or training. In other words,...