Category: Market Bazaar

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African Economic Outlook 2014

Executive summary The African Economic Outlook 2014 announces steadily progressing economic and social conditions that bide well for the immediate future. The report analyses Africa’s participation in global value chains and shows how the continent is adapting to today’s dynamically changing markets. Africa’s macroeconomic prospects remain favourable. In 2013, Africa maintained an average growth rate...


An Interview with the Managing Director of HESPI Dr. Ali Issa Abdi

Editor’s note: The Horn of Africa region is known for its civil war, terrorism and famine, it’s also home to some of the fastest growing economies in the world with large untapped natural resources. However, there is widespread unemployment, particularly among the youth, pervasive corruption and lack of transparency that are posing huge challenges, hindering...


From refugee to entrepreneur

By Fiona Smith Hashi Kaar’s story is both uplifting and sad. A refugee from war-torn Somalia, he arrived in Australia as a 17-year-old boy without English, much schooling or an understanding of what the internet was. Just five years later, he was in his third year of university and employed as a junior application developer...


Lacagta hawada marta (mobile money)

W.q. Maxamed Dalmar Waxaan xusuustaa sanadkii 2013 horrantiisii in dawladda Soomaaliyeed, oo markaas cusbayd, ay soo foodsaartay dhibaato dhaqaale oo kaga imaaneysey xagga sarrifka doollarka iyo shilin Soomaaliga. Waxaa xilligaas aad hoos ugu dhacay qiimaha doollarka Maraykanka markii loo fiiriyo qiimaha shilin Soomaaliga oo aad sare ugu kacay. Waxaan xusuustaa xiisaddii arrintaasi abuurtay iyo dhaliishii kululayd...

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo qudbad ka  jeediyey Shirka ka hortagga Burcad badeedda ee ka furmay Dubay.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo qudbad ka jeediyey Shirka ka hortagga Burcad badeedda ee ka furmay Dubay.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, ayaa maanta  qudbad ka jeeediyey  furitaanka shirka ka hortagga Burcad Badeedda oo maanta ka furmay magaaladda  Dubay ee Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta. Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda,  ayaa  marka hore u mahad celiyey dowladda Imaraadka Carabta oo sanad walba qabata Shirkan iwaxaanu yidhi, ” Aad ayaan uga mahad-celinayaa Dowladda Imaraadka shirkan...

Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo Waxba Kama Jiraan ku Tilmaamay Warar uu Ururka Al-shabaab Faafiyay

Afhayeenka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo Waxba Kama Jiraan ku Tilmaamay Warar uu Ururka Al-shabaab Faafiyay

Marka, Sebt. 03, 2013 (WDN)- War saxaafadeed uu soosaaray afhayeenka madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Md. Cabdiraxmaan Cumar Cismaan (Yariisow), ayaa lagu sheegay in madaxweynaha iyo wafdigiisii aanay wax carqalad ah kala kulmin socdaakii ay ku tageen magaalada Marka ee caasimadda gobolka Shabeelada Hoose. Warsaxaafaddeedka uu soosaaray afhayeenka madaxtooyadu ayaa u qornaa sidatan:- Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh oo gaaray...



MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) — Somali journalists say the government has approved draft media legislation that will make it even harder for them to operate in a country where reporters are frequently threatened and even killed. The law was approved by government ministers on Thursday. Under the draft law, which proposes a government watchdog agency, journalists...


In Somaliland, less money has brought more democracy

By Nick Eubank As the humanitarian crisis in southern Somalia threatens millions of lives, Somalia’s little-known northern neighbour, Somaliland, is doing so well that its government recently offered to send aid across the border. That a small and relatively poor country that is also suffering from the ongoing drought would be in a position to...