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The Myth of Centralized Authority: The Overlooked Importance of Local Governance in Somalia’s Federal System

The Myth of Centralized Authority: The Overlooked Importance of Local Governance in Somalia’s Federal System

By Mohamed Ali ( Geelmaal) In the complex landscape of Somalia’s governance, there is a growing disconnect between the federal government’s exaggerated claims of national authority and the reality on the ground. While the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) under President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud projects an image of centralized control, its actual influence is largely...

MP Mohamed Abib’s Arbitrary Arrest: President Bihi’s Tactic to Delay Elections and Ignite Chaos in Somaliland

MP Mohamed Abib’s Arbitrary Arrest: President Bihi’s Tactic to Delay Elections and Ignite Chaos in Somaliland

By Hussien Mohamed Yusuf The recent arrest of Member of Parliament Mohamed Abib at Egal International Airport upon his return from the United Arab Emiratesat Egal International Airport upon his return from the United Arab Emirates is nothing short of a calculated political maneuver by President Muse Bihi Abdi. The circumstances surrounding Abib’s arrest—marked by...

Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

By Faisal A. Roble Introduction This essay is based on two unpublished manuscripts on the Political Economy of Intervention and Historical Injustices against Somalis. I will argue that intervention in the Horn of Africa Region is a colonial function and has roots both in African enslavement and subsequent colonization. Beginning with the 1884 Berlin Conference,...

Historical Trajectory of Somalia: An Overview of Key Narratives and Challenges

Historical Trajectory of Somalia: An Overview of Key Narratives and Challenges

Dr. Abdurahman Baadiyow This article provides an overview of ten key narratives in Somalia’s trajectory of historical development. These narratives include Somalia’s rich ancient history, its early maritime trade networks, and the significant influence of Islam on Somali society. It also examines the disruption caused by colonial powers, the role of Somali nationalism in shaping...

America needs madam president

America needs madam president

Editors note: As the United States undergoes a highly contested election campaign that could make history by electing Kamala Harris as the first female president, WardheerNews revisits a 2008 article by Adan Makina. The piece explores the topic of women in leadership, arguing that the time has come for a woman to assume the presidency...

Villa Somalia is pushing a dangerous sectarian agenda against Puntland: The entire nation may be in peril

Villa Somalia is pushing a dangerous sectarian agenda against Puntland: The entire nation may be in peril

Prof. Hassan Keynan At a time of unprecedented, multifaceted threats to the very existence of the nation, we are witnessing Villa Somalia itching to pick a fight with Puntland, the oldest, most peaceful, and most successful member state in the fledgling federal dispensation. The tendency to reduce Puntland’s concerns to the personal ambitions, idiosyncrasies and...

Betrayal and Corruption: Why Khatumo Leadership Must Re-evaluate Its Relationship with Somalia’s Federal Government

Betrayal and Corruption: Why Khatumo Leadership Must Re-evaluate Its Relationship with Somalia’s Federal Government

By Mohamed Ali Mirreh As we are getting ready to celebrate one year after the successful liberation of Lasanod city from Somaliland’s secessionist forces, it’s essential to reflect on the challenges that have emerged since. The SSC-Khatumo administration initially had high hopes of being recognized as a new federal state within Somalia. Khatumo State was...

Al-Shabaab’s Infiltration of Government Ranks: A Grave Threat to Somalia’s Stability

Al-Shabaab’s Infiltration of Government Ranks: A Grave Threat to Somalia’s Stability

By Abdullahi Ahmed Nor Somalia’s struggle against Al-Shabaab, the extremist group that has plagued the nation for over a decade, is not only fought on the battlefields but also within the corridors of power. Al-Shabaab’s infiltration of government ranks has become a pressing issue, undermining the country’s security, governance, and efforts to achieve lasting peace....