Category: History

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Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

Politics, Intervention, and Proxy Wars in the Horn of Africa Region (HoA)

By Faisal A. Roble Introduction This essay is based on two unpublished manuscripts on the Political Economy of Intervention and Historical Injustices against Somalis. I will argue that intervention in the Horn of Africa Region is a colonial function and has roots both in African enslavement and subsequent colonization. Beginning with the 1884 Berlin Conference,...

Historical Trajectory of Somalia: An Overview of Key Narratives and Challenges

Historical Trajectory of Somalia: An Overview of Key Narratives and Challenges

Dr. Abdurahman Baadiyow This article provides an overview of ten key narratives in Somalia’s trajectory of historical development. These narratives include Somalia’s rich ancient history, its early maritime trade networks, and the significant influence of Islam on Somali society. It also examines the disruption caused by colonial powers, the role of Somali nationalism in shaping...


History of Zayla: A Somali Port Under Theoretical Offence Part I

By Said M-Shidad Hussein Abstract: Zaylac or Zayla‘ is apparently objective of what is recently called “a deal” between the Hargeysa-based ‘ Somaliland’ administration of northwestern Somalia and the government of Ethiopia. This is not only because in the Ethiopian government’s rhetorical approach for the issue, a myth of historical maritime right over the regional...

The Advent of Humanity’s Sunshine (PBUH)

The Advent of Humanity’s Sunshine (PBUH)

BY: MANSOOR ALAM Prophet Ismail (PBUH) had 12 sons. His second son Qaydaar (قیدار) settled in Hijaz and became the custodian of Kaaba built by Ibrahim (PBUH) and Ismail (PBUH). Prophet Ismail’s descendants, over time, became a large community. They expanded into large number of different tribes. But, the clan of Quraysh (قریش) occupied superior and...

Axmed Faarax Cali (Idaajaa): A Literary Icon

Axmed Faarax Cali (Idaajaa): A Literary Icon

By Abdi Mohamed Axmed Farax Cali, also known as Idaajaa, is a household name in Somalia. Idaajaa is a literary scholar who researches, collects and broadcasts Somali poetry on radio. During his long career, he has dealt with gabay, guurow, buraanbur, and many other genres in the realm of verse. He started collecting Somali poetry...

The Khanates: Excerpts- The Tatar Invasions of Muslim Lands: From Islamic and secular perspectives

The Khanates: Excerpts- The Tatar Invasions of Muslim Lands: From Islamic and secular perspectives

By Adan Makina This is an excerpt from Author Adan Makina’s upcoming book: “The Tatar Invasions of Muslim Lands: from Islamic and secular perspectives.” With the history of the Mongols or Tatars lopsided, twisted and written according to every historian’s whim, one could see a lot of misconceptions and deficiencies in the era incidents happened...


Remembering Scholars of Islam Executed in 1975

Prof. Abdurahman Abdullahi (Baadiyow) Forty-eight years ago, on January 23, 1975, the Somali people were shocked after the military regime executed 10 eminent scholars of Islam. These scholars peacefully protested the violation of Islamic law in the promulgated secular family law. Although Somalia had gone through many tragic events and mass human rights violations during...


Mar kale:  Dooxada Marar iyo Damaca Oromada

W/Q: Xil. Maxamed Ibraahim Hordhac MARAR waa dooxo iyo degaan Alle baad iyo biyoba ku mannaystay, oo ku taal goob 25 km xagga galbeed ka xigta magaalada Jigjiga kana tirsan degmada Tulli-Guuleed. Waxa Dooxadan ka qodan 57 ceel-biyood oo shacabka degaanku biyaha ka cabbaan xilliga Jiilaalka. Waxana hareeraheeda deggen bulsho lagu qiyaaso ilaa 30,000 qoys...


U of A experts help classify two new minerals from Somalia meteorite

Researchers from the University of Alberta are part of a team that has discovered at least two minerals never before seen on earth. The newly named elaliite and elkinstantonite were found in a small sample of the 15-tonne El Ali meteorite from Somalia, which was sent to the U of A for classification. “Whenever you...